Journal of International Law and Diplomacy


Implementation of International Agreements in Japan
Shotaro Yachi

Legal Mechanism and Function of International Arbitration between a State and an Investor in the Investment Treaties
Toshitakta Morikawa

Limit to the Application of International Law by Domestic Courts: The Case of the GATT/WTO Agreements
Junji Nakagawa

"Soft International Institution" and Compliance: Drawing Insights from the IMF Lending Procedure
Yoshiko Kojo

The Southern Bluefin Tuna Case- Australia and New Zealand vs. Japan- Fact and History-
Nobukatsu Kanehara

The Southern Bluefin Tuna Arbitration -Preliminary Objections in Written Proceedings-
Takane Sugihara

The Southern Bluefin Tuna Arbitration -Preliminary Objections in Oral Proceedings-
Nisuke Ando

Arbitral Award in the Southern Bleufin Tuna Case: The Experience of the Conflict of Procedures for Dispute
Mariko Kawano

An Evaluation of the Award of the Southern Bluefin Tuna Arbitration- In a Proliferation of the International System of Dispute Settlement
Tadao Kuribayashi

On Arbitral Award
Chusei Yamada

Change of the Process of Formation and Identification of Customary International Law and the Role of States
Norio Tanaka

Conflict of Laws in the European Union after Amsterdam
Yasushi Nakanishi

International Regime-Making Treaties and Constitutional Constraints on Their National Implementation
Masahiko Asada

Confidence Building and Regional Security among MERCOSUR Countries
Shinji Sawada

The Amendment of Korean Private International Law
Kiyoshi Aoki

Constitutionality of International Human Rights: From the Perspective of No-derogable Rights
Koji Teraya

International Court of Justice: Case Concerning Legality on Decisions of Force (Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures)
Study Group on Decisions of the International Court of Justice

Southern Bluefin Tuna Case- Australia and New Zealand, v. Japan: Reference Materials
Rui Matsukawa Rumi Ariyoshi

Decision of Japanese Courts relating to International Law (15)
Study Group on Decisions of Japanese Courts relating to International Law

International Court of Justice: Oil Platforms (Preliminary Objection)
Study Group on Decisions of the International Court of Justice

Election of the Members of the International Law Commission in 2001
Hidehisa Horinouichi

The 53rd Session of the UN International Law Commission
Chusei Yamada

Book Review
Hiroshi Taki, Basic Principles of Private International Law
Toshiyuki Kono

Nozomi Tada, International Judicial Assistance in the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters
Koji Deguchi

Maivân Clech Lâm, At the Edge of State: Indigenous People and Self-Determination
Toshiaki Sonohara

Yuko Nishitani, Mancini und die Parteiautonomie im internationalen Privatrecht
Koresuke Yamauchi

Y. Iwasawa, International Law, Human Rights and Japanese Law
Hisashi Owada

Akira Kotera, The Legal Structure of the WTO System
Haruo Saburi

Ansgar Staudinger, Artikel 6 Absatz 2 der Klauselrichtlinie und 12 AGBG - Der internationale Geltungsbereich der deutschen Klauselkontrolle auf dem Prüfstand des Europäischen Gemeinschaftsrechts
Yuko Nishitani

Ineke Boerefijn, The Reporting Procedure under the Covenant on Civil and Political Right: Practice and Procedures of the Human Rights Committee
Yuko Osakada

Kentaro Serita, Possession of Islands and Delimitation of Economic Zones (in Japanese)
Mamoru Koga

Akira Takakuwa, Studies on Law of International Commercial and International Law
Yoshihisa Hayakawa

Simon Chesterman, Just War or Just Peace?: humanitarian intervention and international law
Masako Komori

Anthony Aust, Modern Treaty Law and Practice
Humihiko Konuma

Y. Onuma, Human Rights, States, and Civilizations: From a Universalistic Perspective to an Intercivilizational Perspective of Human Rights (in Japanese)
Kentaro Serita

G. Kikkawa, and H. Kato, (eds.), Minority Group in International Plitics (in Japanese)
Makiko Toda

Jürgen Basedow and Toshiyuki Kono (eds.), Legal Aspects of Globalization: Conflict of Laws, Internet, Capital Markets and Insolvency in a Global Economy
Tetsuo Morishita

Takanobu Kiriyama, et al. (eds.), International Law in Transition: Collected Papers Dedicated to Professor Ishimoto (in Japanese)
Yukio Shimada

Akira Moritra, International Supervision in Theory and Practice (in Japanese)
Tstsuo Sato

Michael Byers, Custom, Power and the Power of Rules: International Relations and Customary International Law
Tatsuya Abe

Francisco Orrego Vicuña, The Changing International Law of High Seas Fisheries
Yasuhiko Kagami

In Memoriam Professor Shigejiro Tabata
Yoshiro Matsui

The Third JAIL, ASIL & CCIL Trilateral Conference on International Law

Bibliography of International Law, Private International Law, International Politics and Diplomacy (2000)

The 104th Annual Meeting, Spring Session

The 104th Annual Meeting, Autumn Session